This Is What The Real World and Virtual Society Does Not Want You To See: The Outrage

YOU GO, GIRL. Rebloggin`-it!

Curves Become Her

This is going to be a helluva lengthy post so buckle up!

Some of you may recall I was interviewed by an editor at CLEO magazine Singapore last year pertaining to how I found myself blogging about plus size fashion and body positivity. It was a triumph personally and professionally to have my plus size form grace the pages of a magazine that does not normally feature bodies like mine. You can revisit the article Here, it was republished in the wake of the drama I am going to speak about in a bit.

A month or two into this year, I was approached by my editor at the magazine to write about how I overcame my fears of wearing swimwear in public, particularly bikinis. I was so ready to delve into the subject matter; the months following my very first two piece purchase last year led me feeling…

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